As part of the first festival Dépayz'arts in December 2008, creation of a light animated installation on a building called "Plein Ciel" (Full Sky), in the town of Le Mee in France.
From December 27 to 30, 88 graphic compositions on the theme of heavenly constellations were projected on the building.
Scenario: 1. The word "CIEL" (SKY) is projected on the two facades near the entrance of the building. 2. Light projectors, based at each of the twelve edges of the building, illuminate. 3. The spotlights are oriented in such a way as to draw the main points at the zenith of a constellation. 4. Light projectors switch off. An image symbolizing the constellation appears on one or other of the two building facades. 5. The picture fades out, and the word CIEL (SKY) reappears.
- Auteurs : Laurent Ungerer, Aurélie Gasche (conception projet graphique),
Gérald Karlikow (conception projet lumière)
Avec l'aide de Raphaël Daufresne
Production : Madeinproductions, festival Dépayz’arts
Réalisation projections et éclairages :
VPS – Philippe de Carvalho, Adam Chekir
Skylight – Laurent Jolly, Françoise Laurent,
Philippe Moreau
Régie générale : Laurent Dupuy
- Scénographie